Simon - Drama Short Film
'Simon' is a tragic drama about a young, socially isolated boy on his 18th birthday, adventuring off to the local pub to have a drink alongside his best, and only friend Chris. As the night dwindles, conflict arises, changing their lives forever.
Written and Directed by Ryan de Rooy
Produced by Emily Wilkinson and Stuart McCaskie
Principal Cinematography by Nathan Klooger
Edited by Emily Wilkinson
Jack Green
Nathan Scutti
Johann Sevian
Bethany Girardi
-- Spoilers ahead --
Simon explores the criminal social phenomena known as the one punch or king hit. This story was entirely inspired by the tragic events which affected the lives of Patrick Cronin and his family. A boy who's only crime was attempting to help his friend who was caught in conflict, and suffered the consequence of a deathly blow to the head.
This film is intended to spread awareness to these sudden and cowedly decisions made by cruel and unjustified individuals, and what impact these small moments can have on peoples lives.
Stop the one punch!
Visit pages such as 'stop one punch can kill' for more information,